The 4 buying personalities, and how to sell to them
A guest post from Lifestyle Tradie!

Customers have higher expectations than ever before – they’re smarter, more informed, and far less patient. Whatever business or industry you’re in, cracking the code to providing seamless customer service is not easy to nail.
Customer service is your sales engine. Studying and understanding the personality types of your customers will help you to develop and design specific sales approaches to reach, motivate and retain them.
At Lifestyle Tradie, we teach our members that customers typically fall into four buying personalities: the Eagle, Peacock, Dove and Owl. Drawing on this knowledge will sharpen your sales strategy and convert more quotes.

The Eagle
Eagles are doers. These results-driven customers are quick to swoop when they know what they want. Confident and assertive, Eagles communicate in a strong voice, which becomes bossy under pressure.

Motivated by a challenge, action and competition, Eagles operate with a “winning is everything” attitude. Still, when push comes to shove, Eagles are straight shooters with a business-like approach in most situations.
Sales Strategy
Give no-nonsense Eagles your full attention. They won’t appreciate your wit and good humour. Instead, get to the point. Be prepared with the facts and deliver them quickly, using concise, “fluff-free” language.
The Peacock
Peacocks are talkers. These open, expressive and cheerful customers are fast, impulsive and visual characters. Outgoing, confident and friendly, Peacocks are warm and entertaining, which can become dramatic under pressure.

Motivated by recognition, applause and fame, Peacocks live by the mantra: “Hey, world – look at me!” Imaginative and noisy, Peacocks thrive when they can openly share their ideas and feelings.
Sales Strategy
Do lots of listening and nodding. Begin your discussions with these flamboyant customers by squarely focusing on them and their accomplishments. Always bring them back to the point with questions.
The Dove
Doves are feelers. These shy, friendly and quiet customers are thoughtful and unobtrusive. Known for taking it slowly, Doves are open but bashful. When Doves hit a hurdle, they typically withdraw and become stubborn.

Motivated by acceptance, approval and belonging, Doves recognise the importance and value in having support around them. According to Doves, everyone has a role to play – we all need each other to get ahead.
Sales Strategy
Show you are open to conversation. Focus on demonstrating interest in them as a person and explore the feelings behind any purchase. Unpack any areas of dissatisfaction to build genuine rapport and trust.
The Owl
Owls are thinkers. These quiet, conservative and reserved customers make slow and deliberate decisions. Their expressionless, poker faces give the impression of preoccupation with something else.

Motivated by procedures, information, rules and predictability, Owls become critical under pressure. With the mantra, “Fools rush in where wise men fear and tread”, Owls are systematic in their approach.
Sales Strategy
Wow Owls with brochures and technical fact sheets. Swap small talk with a discussion that focuses on reassurance. Give Owls plenty of time to think before expecting a response, using language that provides comfort.
Customers crave personal recognition.
Adapting your business’s sales strategy to one of these four buying personalities is the masterstroke to making more profit and building better long-term relationships with your customers.
Keen to learn more strategies to convert customers? Visit Next Level Tradie for our live event schedule. Book your free tickets

By Andy & Angela Smith, founders of Lifestyle Tradie, and award-winning education program & community for hardworking trade business owners.