NEW YORK, USA, 13 NOVEMBER 2013 – a small business app developed in Australia’s Northern Territory has been judged one of the best ‘In Field Services’ mobile apps in the world at the Tabby Awards in New York, USA. The Tabby Awards /Business is the only worldwide competition for iPad, Android and Windows 8 tablet apps for business and productivity.
The app is ServiceM8: an iPhone and iPad app for small business which helps control work from first call through to invoicing, and a potential game-changer for how small businesses operate day-to-day. After being named a finalist last month, ServiceM8 came in as a runner-up to software giant Autodesk at the global awards ceremony, held in Manhattan as part of TabTimes’ Tablet Biz Conference & Expo.
“Just to be named a finalist is an achievement in itself. It’s taken a lot to get to this point, working with small businesses to keep improving” said Kim Ford, CEO of ServiceM8. “To be here in New York City, one of only two Australian app developers at the awards, is quite extraordinary and a great opportunity for us.”
“We believe every small business needs access to the same tools that large corporations do, at an affordable price” Mr Ford explained. “Our vision is to empower small business, making them more productive, more professional and all round better businesses”. Mr Ford’s passion comes from a lifetime involvement in small business. “Only other small business owners get it – and by that I mean the highs and lows, the joy and sadness that can come with owning a small business”.
Mr Ford also thinks that Darwin is ready for programs and facilities which foster and encourage small businesses and innovators, such as shared offices where young entrepreneurs can ‘rent-a-desk’, using communal facilities and bouncing ideas off like-minded people while working to get their dream off the ground.
“Why can’t we do it?” Mr Ford asks. “We’re on Asia’s doorstep. There can be more to Darwin’s economy than oil and gas. Facilities like shared office spaces, perhaps run in partnership with the government or universities, would not only bring people in but give young Territorians a reason to stay, instead of heading for the bigger cities down south”.
ServiceM8’s achievement in New York follows a win last month at the 2013 Australian Mobile Awards.